Elva Ainsworth, Julia Cater and Tessa Simpson – who have all participated in ‘groundbreaking, record breaking and point breaking’ ringing – talk freely about their own experiences and the self-fulfilling prophecy where lack of opportunity leads to a lack of confidence.
Yes, women can ring heavier bells. Yes, women can conduct (and may choose to do this from either the back or the front). And yes, some small girls are just itching to have a go on the tenor, but the boys always seem to get first dibs.
Rather than focusing on the negatives, though, this inspiring podcast offers some thoughtful suggestions about how to encourage greater equality of opportunity and how all bands can flourish with the greater participation of their women ringers.
Find this podcast episode for 'Fun with Bells' at your usual podcast directory or, with photos and show notes at https://funwithbells.com/lp/