A Deep Dive into Bell Ringing: New Ringers Share Their Experiences
Blog post about our December 2023 podcast episode....
Lindsay Cawte started ringing as a ‘Ring for the King’ recruit. As a teenager in Suffolk she started to learn but remembered nothing except you have to catch the sally on it’s way up, and to keep your feet on the floor, so it was really starting from scratch.
Lindsay is now a very enthusiastic, verging on obsessed, ringer and never says no to an invitation to ring! She has improving bell control, has almost mastered call changes, and is battling with counting places for plain hunt. Lindsay is working towards covering a quarter peal on the tenor.
This entry was written in November 2023.
This episode sees host Cathy Booth catching up with three Ring for King recruits to find out what their first year of ringing has been like. And what a year it’s been! Jessica, Lindsey and Andy have notched up an amazing collection of ‘firsts’ since starting their ringing adventure. First tower tour, fir...
Blog post about our December 2023 podcast episode....