A Deep Dive into Bell Ringing: New Ringers Share Their Experiences
Blog post about our December 2023 podcast episode....
Jessica Hay started to ring early in 2023 in response to a local group Facebook post. She has always loved the sound of bells but did not realise that ringing them was an option that was open to her. Jessica is enthusiastic and excited about bell ringing and actively participates in learning and practising. She enjoys how the ART approach allows her to track her progress and particularly likes the ’50 Ringing Things’ book. Jessica is grateful for the support and guidance that she has received from experienced ringers and is passionate and dedicated to her bell-ringing journey.
This entry was written in November 2023.
This episode sees host Cathy Booth catching up with three Ring for King recruits to find out what their first year of ringing has been like. And what a year it’s been! Jessica, Lindsey and Andy have notched up an amazing collection of ‘firsts’ since starting their ringing adventure. First tower tour, fir...
Ever wondered what it’s like to learn how to ring church bells? Podcast host Cathy Booth catches up with both learners in Winchester and teachers at the Association of Ringing Teacher’s conference to find out. It’s clear that all the beginner ringers love the challenge of learning, especially enjoying th...
Blog post about our December 2023 podcast episode....