00:00 Opening Clip
00:22 Ringing by the Society of Cambridge Youths
00:29 Welcome to Fun with Bells: Meet Our Guests
00:44 John's Introduction: The Unique Bells of Kilifi
01:22 Deborah's Introduction
01:35 The Fascinating History of Kilifi's Church Bells
02:39 The Transformation of Kilifi's Bell Ringing Community
04:24 A Glimpse into the Ringing Room at Kilifi
05:28 Encouraging the Next Generation with Sweets
06:13 The Significance of Silence and Discipline in Ringing
06:41 Improvements and Innovations in Kilifi's Bell Tower
07:24 John's Personal Bell Ringing Journey
08:45 Debbie's Path to Becoming a Bell Ringer
10:24 Teaching and Sharing the Art of Bell Ringing
12:03 Memorable Achievements in Bell Ringing
14:24 Overcoming Challenges in Learning to Ring
19:05 Technical hitch.
19:52 The Impact of UK Training Trips on Kilifi Ringers
20:57 A Life-Changing Proposal in the UK
23:55 Community Impact Through Bell Ringers' Fundraising
27:00 The Charitable Work of John and Debbie
32:10 The Unforgettable Impact of Bell Ringing
34:05 Gratitude and Reflections on the Journey
34:21 Credits