Elva was born into a family of ringers and people-watchers. She learnt to ring on the heavy 6 at St Mary’s Amersham, taught by her famous father Alan. She studied Psychology at Bristol University and was Master of the University Society there in the early 1980s. On leaving Uni Elva rang in St Albans and London, and in the 1990s had a few years living and ringing in Boston, US. In recent years she has rung mainly in the South East. Elva moved to York in 2018 and is very much enjoying being part of the Minster band.
Elva is a member of the Royal Society of Cumberland Youths and has rung nearly 400 peals, one of which was an all-female long length of Lincolnshire S Royal when she was a student. She has three children who have all learnt to ring. She is on the Board of The Ringing World and is a Central Council Representative for the Yorkshire Association of Change Ringers.
Elva is a business owner, an HR professional and executive 360 degree feedback coach with over 30 years’ experience. She set up her own company in 2001 (Talent Innovations) and has employed several ringers there over the years. Elva has specialised in 360 at every level in a full range of client contexts, and has given feedback coaching sessions to over 500 leaders. She now spends her time training and coaching associates, consultants and client HR professionals in her techniques and skills.
Elva is a qualified homeopath. She has also written two books on the subject of feedback: “360 Degree Feedback: A Transformational Approach” and “Reboot Your Reputation: 11 Ways to Change Their Minds” (available on Amazon).
This entry was written in January 2022.
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