Wendy Ling started to ring in 1991 after attending a talk about bell ringing given by Andrew Craddick of Tower Base and Peal Base fame. Her first lesson was at Hursley but she also rang at Bishop Stoke under the expert tuition of Roy Le Marechal. In 2001, Wendy transferred her allegiance to St John’s New Alresford where she has been a key member of the band ever since clocking up 116 quarter peals there. Wendy’s interest in ringing has been passed onto her daughter, Joanna and grandson, Harry who ring in Nottingham. A key member of the ladies' Guild. and for many years, the secretary of the Southern branch. Wendy says the highlight of her ringing career has been ringing in Washington Cathedral and the Swan Tower in Perth.
This entry was transcribed from the podcast episode which was aired in March 2021.
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